Aadhaar Masking API

Real-time Aadhaar Masking to mask the last 8 digits of the Aadhaar Number. 


Ensure compliance with Aadhaar Masking API

With the rise of digital transactions, it has become more important than ever to keep sensitive information secure. Aadhaar Masking API provides a simple yet powerful solution to mask Aadhaar numbers in real-time, reducing the risk of identity theft and fraud.

It is easy to integrate and can be used across various platforms, making it the ideal solution for businesses and organizations that handle Aadhaar information. Trust Aadhaar Masking API to keep your customers’ information secure and protect their privacy.

Product Features

Instantaneous Aadhaar masking

Our Aadhaar Masking API provides real-time Aadhaar masking, ensuring that sensitive information is never revealed. It is fast and efficient, making it ideal for businesses that require quick and accurate Aadhaar masking.

Aadhaar Masking API
Aadhaar Masking API

Product Features

Easy Integration

Our Aadhaar Masking API is easy to integrate into any platform, making it a hassle-free solution for businesses and organizations. With just a few lines of code, you can start masking Aadhaar numbers and protecting the privacy of your customers.

Product Features

Customizable masking options

Our Aadhaar Masking API provides customizable masking options, giving you complete control over how Aadhaar numbers are masked in your documents and forms. You can choose from various masking formats, such as XXXX-XXXX-XXXX or XXXX-XXXX-1234, ensuring that the masked Aadhaar number fits seamlessly into your existing systems.

Aadhaar Masking API

Try IDcentral’s Aadhaar Masking API solution

Capabilities for Masked Aadhaar


Real-time Masking

The API is capable of masking Aadhaar numbers in real-time, ensuring that sensitive information is protected as soon as it is entered.



Aadhaar Masking API can be customized to suit the specific needs of businesses or organizations, including the level of masking required.


Multi-platform Integration

The API can be integrated into various platforms, including web and mobile applications, making it versatile and easily accessible.



Aadhaar Masking API is scalable and can handle large volumes of requests without compromising on speed or performance.



The API is compliant with various data privacy regulations, such as GDPR and CCPA, ensuring that sensitive information is protected according to industry standards.



Aadhaar Masking API is easy to use and does not require any specialized knowledge or training, making it accessible to businesses of all sizes.

Use Cases


Aadhaar Authentication

The API can be used to mask Aadhaar numbers during the authentication process, protecting the privacy of individuals while verifying their identity.


Online Forms

Aadhaar Masking API can be integrated into online forms, such as job applications or loan requests, to mask the Aadhaar numbers of applicants and protect their sensitive information.


Financial Transactions

The API can be used to mask Aadhaar numbers during financial transactions, such as bank transfers or credit card payments, to ensure that sensitive information is not exposed.



Aadhaar Masking API can be integrated into e-commerce platforms to mask Aadhaar numbers during the checkout process, providing an added layer of security for customers.



The API can be used in the healthcare industry to mask Aadhaar numbers on medical records and insurance claims, protecting patient privacy.


Government Services

Aadhaar Masking API can be used in various government services to protect the Aadhaar information of citizens, such as during the issuance of licenses or certificates.

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